domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

The fattie boy owner of the ball

If the position of Kenny McDowell was sick fragile (honestly, he made no innovation, while I was in Scotland, I saw a bland and conservative play, no spark, spontaneity and inventiveness), now it's like those fragile Chinese vases on the corner of a cabinet.  How a coach can convince his pupils about an idea, if the fattie owner of the ball (*) tells who plays and who does not?

Ashley Is the new Rangers manager? Or try to be and do everything as those Caribbean dictators? At least he did not bring Joe Kinnear ffs, that's a consolation!! lolz 

Are we going to accept being a franchise of Newcastle?, the idea is to revalue the price of almost unknown players who were injured until two days ago, without pedigree? Sounds like, "hey gather leftover Christmas meals, I put in a new tray and present them as new in the feast of charity".

Although honestly watching our team, any new player can do something different within the pitch. This morning I read in The Herald that at the end of the season 12 contracts will end!! What is the incentive? The problem is not only change the name of the players, directly must change the game strategy.

We will continue buying the false and hollow idea of saving billionaire? In late December, I walked towards "Saint James Park" to see the game against Everton and started talking to some fans of the Magpies, the coincidence was that while Ashley put money in Newcastle, nothing else mattered. Error! They never had planning, were dazzled. They gave the name of the stadium and have since been a peripheral club. That was a strange time, the price of a barrel of oil had three figures, but Ashley did not have the profits of Russians and Arabs to make a waste of money in the long term consequences. Fortunately? lolz

I think it's time to be realistic, I think the last few years served for that. The prince charming never going to arrive, sorry to be the one who has to say that. Ashley never put his face, never heard of talking about long term, if one looks only some of its businesses warns that puts money in different places, never involved in one in particular as they have the opportunity to get the benefit sells a share.

Finally, it is pitiful to have to move the meeting to London, that speaks of the conceptual poverty of the board, but at the same time, I think that Rangers fans, even rightly disgusted with these unpresentable characters have to show that they are the height of the challenge that our club is situated. No reason to give board to change the focus of the discussion.

For today: Vamoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos RANGERS carajooooooooooooo

(*) Among the Argentinian is well known image of "fattie boy (rich or wealthy) owner of the ball", hands on waist, with evil eyes, putting their conditions to play in the wee field of the neighborhood, often with other children, skinny, ungainly.

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