sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

Muchas Gracias

It's time for the farewell, is particularly sad (I had to rewrite several times these phrases because I always broke me) I leave behind 45 incredible days in which I turned amply my goals, meet, shake hands, hugs and share beers, red wine, vodka etc etc with many Amigos n Amigas, I take the words of each, some slang in my book. I was excited at Ibrox back, again and again, our sacred place on earth, even in these days of darkness.

The best farewell? Last night a alluvium of Rangers fans in the Maple Leaf in Covent Garden!!!! at the end of the night, we all sing the auld songs with such proud that makes goosebumps

It's time to return to Argentina, sometimes wishes and reality do not get along too well, probably take years to return, who knows, but I am determined to return sometime.

One last wish, when all of you are in Hampden, scream until had no voice, I will do the same at home!!!! ;) 


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