miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Livingston 0-1 Rangers. Swear down

It seemed a tough game for Rangers, not so much for the rival, but by circumstances. After (and even before) the defeat against Hibernian, warning light were flashing. Rangers did not move away an inch of what are these days, atrophied with the ball, clunky, without two passes worthwhile. The concern is that Rangers lacking in ideas, by more than the Homeric plays of McLeod go down the catarrh. It is not something new, Rangers must leave behind the coffin-dodger position and need more tactical discipline, positional play, the details that help to reduce risks and especially work the strategy. The games are long, require hard work.

Rangers need that characteristic that makes a difference in football today, that characteristic that does numb the nerves and choose the best solutions; by scarce they are, to prevent frontal damage and collateral. But Rangers is a startled team. The danger is that Rangers are in a ho-hum approach, a tedious, disinterested game and loses interest in a portion of their fans, those who go to Ibrox and watch it outside Scotland.

Again. We began to fail in contention because actually lack it, recidivists the losses of the ball, erratic in the withdraw. At times, the ball burning for us and the field is smaller. Suddenly the round, noble thing, which usually responds to the foot of the players, has its own life and instead of the players to play with it, the ball plays with them, sick of being send from one place to another, without accommodation booked, nor foot in to sleep. I understood that possession should always be interpreted as the best sign of the health of a football team.

Fitbaw has those things. Sometimes the simplest encounter becomes the most unpleasant. The bad thing is contagious. Livingston understood that had to be play face to face. Without subterfuge. Livi knew where had to adjust the pegs, pressing when Law received the ball from the defense. Without the possibility of playing with his back to the rivals had reassigned the ball to the defense. Lack of ideas to return the ball back to the Englishman, which required lost it and fouled. Not only we lost the position of the ball but also the home side took a free kick. This review is not against Law, which did not have a second chance to pass, and then neither had companions willing to receive the ball.

How playing leave from our goal? Scene of the first half, Rangers often start with long ball from keeper Simonsen, if we do not lose the ball (which is quite common in this kind of moves), the ball returns to our area, take it Zailukas, and instead of see a partner better located, chooses to throw it into the air, uncertain destiny. If we can’t process this type of play, making the ball ours, we can’t break the rival. The defense does not have to get tangled at the start and raises his head to look forward to reading the unmarked on the sides. That requires players with the ability to touch and the transition between lines, players moving, looking for spaces.

From a time for this part, there was no way to filter a pass, to deepen or unbalance, even pull the thread of the game on Rangers. Although the list of midfielder seemed to indicate otherwise, not flowing football, awkward in the development, delivered to the fickle attempt to press up, to the dizzying transitions. Fraser was the turning point, ballsy, threw the ball forward, gaining in speed but in that imagination was exhausted. The stillness of the game was the best news for Livingston.

Black, fixed in good and in bad times, is capable of serving the measured center with any profile (you see again the start of the goal of Lewis) and middle-distance shot. Need to mix it with defensive help from the side or an inward movement to create the space in order to be exploited at depth.

The loneliness of Boyd in attack. He tried everything, even back to receive the ball but could only finish rarely lead. Rangers need to find ways to get Kris and failed for much of the game. Historically, and even today, Boyd is an essential player for Rangers. Even with the drought of goals. The man is a thinker in that area of the field on the there is no time for anything, and even lees to think. We needed to open the field and generate more centers from the sides, which did not happen on Saturday. At Ibrox against Hibs, the original idea with the inclusion of Smith and Wallace was a priori interesting. 

Lewis McLeod, greezy, away from the conventional stigma of contemporary from Rangers. The lymphatic nature makes him a footballer of low pulsation, sometimes seems to hold it down. The young is not a gladiator, but gradually discovers when cover at least your area as left midfielder and catch on the waiting room of the goal. The pirouette was as the best Van Basten in the 90s, a goal of anthology for a game that did not deserve it (0-1)

Clark was a fierce, a blazing comet for the home defense, that neither saw him the license plate. Former striker of Queen of the South has ever expanding repertoire, which is already much: fly, not shoots firing blank ammunition and assists. Livingston was convulsed outwardly, with a high pressure suffocating him.

Lets us return for a moment to the game against Hibs. McCoist teams are characterized by play forward positions, but being badly standing whenever an opponent decides to attack. We tend to be penalizes in the rear, not only in defense but also in midfield, where Craig moved at will, without contingencies. Freed from what could have been a pain in the neck from our midfielders, he connected easily with the strikers. A replica, a copy of the game recently played for the Cup. 

Throughout the season I wrote, Rangers are always exposed to a disgust or more because we do not take the precautions in better position defensively when it has no the ball, we just stand back and accompany the progress of the opponent.  Another point is the lack of concentration, how many teams in the world receive a goal where the rival keeper allows its teammate and we were exposed? Then I do not understand why Peralta from the beginning and not Fraser? It is obvious that there are two players with different game features, Fraser is a more complete player, in the groove, Peralta much is lost in the side and just strip centers into the hands of rival goalkeeper, sounds violent but I wrote on one side of paper the amount centers and few were effective. Peralta is limp-dick regarding Fraser.

Scottish, Slang or words not too known

Ho-hum: Dull, tedious, of mediocre quality or little interest.

Coffin-dodger: An elderly person. A sometimes humorous pejorative.

Clunky: Lacking grace in movement or posture.

Ballsy: Courageous, Spirited. A vulgar alternative to gutsy.

Greezy: Excellent: The vogue term is used by UK adolescents and may be a blend of great and easy.

Hold it down: to act in a commendably, restrained manner, to "stay cool".

Fierce: Excellent, stylish. A term used by young street-gang members in London since around 2000.

In the groove: Proceeding smoothly, working well. In harmony with the others or with one´s surroundings.

Limp-dick: (someone who is) weak, ineffectual, irresolute.

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