domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

Raith 0-4 Rangers. Ya F**king Dancer!

In a football game happens as in life, it all depends on how we are able to face the obstacles and sustaining the aspirations. There is no better feeling than that leaves a team when has skillful players for various positions, as they weave play, give everything of themselves. Player who break the corset, without neglecting the tactical command of the team.

The team put the ball flush with the ground, had left the clouds and ballistic missiles. This version of Rangers no longer dedicates to deforest areas with strikers as poles and defenders as beams. With an excellent veining in midfield, more confident, plethoric. Alternate a football more coral with guides that articulated the game. Putting the game pace, dose of daring, encapsulating the rival. It´s not a matter of mileage, but how are traversed to avoid the holes that cause uncoordinated defensive moves. It is learning to run in the appropriate direction for not out of position the tactical scaffolding displayed by the team.

There were no midfielder that not to invade Raith area by surprise, they turned up the pressure on starting the game for the deficiencies of his opponent are made manifest in missed passes and tests. Griefy, the locals were always insubstantial, appeared to have ben bunking off.

The same gave that the home defense be from plasticine, omnipresent, Rangers, dinghied him, reached to create plays between the lines. Have greatly improved the control, pressure and pass, which are the basis of good team play, creating an inconceivable panorama of uncovered spaces for the rivals. The player who received in this case McLeod found with whom to associate, Wallace went through his back, Black accompanied passively. Rangers decided where to defend, when and how to attack; employed very well that antidote to go to the place unoccupied.

Lewis tries to give fluidity to the game to one and two touches. As the Italians say, "Penso quindi gioco" (I think therefore I play). His football is brazenly irreverent, own of young people, though at times it flowed like a calm river. Without this kind of players the game becomes very routine. Law has the ability to pull the strings, give his team the necessary cadence, multiplying to steal balls and almost always anticipate and move away from the scene when necessary. Starting from that, with fondness for the ball and more vocation offensive. It is so important that their successes have as much impact as their failures. When he settles, the team expands. And when it disorienting when loses the site, all detuned.

Lewis was a double-acting pill on the mood of the team. Calmed the anxiety in some and accelerated pulsations in others, like Wallace or Boydy, that left off the bat were against the keeper. While was in the pitch, Boyd, failed to finish, score, sometimes for lack of marksmanship. But nobody reaches goals situations so easily. That does not have to worry.

Is it necessary to convert Lewis on the lighthouse around which will navigate the games? ¿Organizer with spare wheels? Do not seem to be easy questions to answer, the player already enjoys a value of transcendence, which requires the balance of the position of Black and Law. The problem is not whether Lewis is primus inter pares (first among equals), but even though have different names, the issue is the creative balance of the team. There is sharing out of tasks, Black o Law ordered the pressure line because it has the ability to communicate more fluently with the defense and the attackers. Probably one of the debts is placed with more judiciously cutting the progress of the adversary, either Raith Rovers or Queen of the South.

Fraser Aird is aggressive with the ball, dominating in the hand to hand. Could decipher a complex picture, always deep, well-shaped, with the usual diagonal, but this time chose another alternative, drone centers to the area from the right. The resolutions often seem to be at the expense of any detail or individual intervention. Clark was highest among high, headed and beat Laidlaw (0-1).

The team tried to play from the area, with the risk that entails. Mohsni took the ball and approached Black to assist, to correct and not raffle the ball. The problem is when the potential receptor, in this case, Black be marked, we must seek alternative of discharge. The former Hearts was more intent on protecting their defense, care position, to be the focus of the maneuvers and not move than a meter is necessary, except for his goal situation. He moved a little but was the most acted on the surroundings.

Rangers had a few drops of lucidity in a heartbeat converted into poison a domain that was at times insulting. A load of piff. The mistakes and lack of defensive coordination condemned to the locals. When Raith defenders were with the ball at his feet transited for a coming and going innocuous. Rangers adjusted the pressure wherein saw weakness. This took effect, Boyd chore and recovers the ball, passed it to Black, with wide open footpath, right footed shot from outside the box to the high centre of the goal (0-2).

Games like these underline the importance of Wallace. The offers on the transfers’ windows could have left us without a key player, who always surprises. So have to celebrate his stay at Ibrox. Football, which can’t be more tied to our everyday monotonous, is as a dancer on the brink, the possibility of any immense change in the last minute. And it is, indeed, one of the activities in which one can be less governed by certain logic.

With no time to blinking. Rangers continued to pressure the holder of the ball, Raith kept making mistake after mistake. In Picasso´s painting was the primary colors of Wallace, McLeod and Law, with some ocher which deformed the fineness to the move.  Nicky Law, from outside the area, ragdoll with the third goal, boom-ting one (0-3).

In the second half, the Kirkcaldy team stretches his legs, were shaken the hill-billy and began to create something, but at least something. Wallace was always on the ball when it is required defensively; he took on two legs, always well positioned. Wallace treads the opponent’s area by fortieth fifth time. Grant Anderson, by inertia, dismay or distress, has no choice to commit a foul. Lee McCulloch closed the scoring (0-4).

Scottish, Slang or words not too known

Dinghy: To ignore someone. The act of being ignored, ignoring or intending to ignore or someone or something.

Ragdoll: In Glasgow means to shake someone roughly.

Boom-ting: something excellent or impressive. An item of Black British slang adopted by adolescents during the 1990s, combining the slang sense of boom and the Afro-Caribbean pronunciation of thing.

Piff: Nonsense, doubtful. A 1980s shortening of the colloquial piffle, head among the adolescents.

Griefy: Depressing, troublesome. A fairly rare middle-class teenage and student term from the early 1970s.

Hill-billy: Chilly. An item of rhyming slang that probably originated in Glasgow rather than London.

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