domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016

This is complicated

This is complicated

¿Warburton should be sacked? I did not hear a ridiculous thing in years, the porch dogs on social networks are going to my jugular now. I still think that spewed that sentence not undertand whatever anything. But, analysis and criticism of Warbs decisions, and this post is about that, is necessary and healthy! I do not know if there is a gulf, a river or lake between Rangers and Celtic, but in the piggery they were tactically and strategically superior to us. And that does not always depend on the substantial amounts of pounds they dispensed to buy players. It does not solve everyhing with money! (although King had to open up more the wallet) Speaks of the way is study the formation, imagine how it will develop the match and arrange the pieces on the board. Neither solution is to buy an enlightened defender, please stop deluding themselves, this goes beyond! It is lawful to ask: Is there plan B?...I talk to rethink positions, tactics and strategies. Sellick won because we initially made two vital, avoidable mistakes. Those spoken and practiced in the week.

Like an irrefutable theorem, when you have the ball, not only you will take it off the rival, the game flows, there are more chances to score and less risks are taken. Rangers did nothing about it on Saturday, actually did the opposite. We could not have the ball and manage it, only spasmodic appearance from Windass, in dribs and drabs, lucid in the positional attack, forced to seek and get spaces. We lacked rhythm and nerve, we were not going or coming.

The lack of possession is a deficiency since the first games of the season and Celtic was successful in pushing up initially in our area, and particularly in different sector of the pitch, preventing the development of our game, surrounding the potencial receivers (Krancjar, Barton, McKay or the solitary Gardner). Laying to three and four players. That agglomeration of players, even when Foderingham received the ball, left the game for leakers of passes, turns and changes of direction in tight spaces and electrical waists. That is, the morning was to Krancjar, but the Croatian failed to date. Nor is the kind of player to entrust the task to fighting for ball (so he was one of the first to receive a yellow card).

With the fuses annulled, lost gaming volume. In other words, they forced us to not play, that is, to suffer, the shortest way to end up losing. You can choose to wait and give the initiative to the rival, as appeared to be the initial plan of Warburton or the players could do. Of course, play without the ball, you have to have players who know and like a barbarity to have only one or two opportunities for ninety minutes to send to hell. But I think no one of Rangers fans aspire to that kind of profile.

With local side blocking entrances, we chose at times to reel the balls into the atmosphere. No successes and many doubts. We were getting past the first wire fence but it was impossible to sniffing around the goal. There were no access (and we did not do way) Celtic used well corridors, both Sinclair as Forrest could get playing, even Bitton was the provider.

All this is to observe carefully the endless succession of small actions that did not lead anywhere. Player can´t pass the ball or did erratically. The attackers, midielders and defenders, not make more than three passes in a row (and this happens quite often). And that with more scrappy defensive abilities. What happened with attention to the ball stop? (Livingston, Hibernian, the same celtic last season and Dundee away too). To make matters worse, the defenders did not do much to stop an attacker as Dembele, what he does lees is standing still. The hapless Senderos could not resolve the Kiernan´s error.

Nothing has changed in the encryption of our team and that´s what worries me. Rangers is not effective in recovering the ball in the continuity of circulation and no complicated with the ball at his feet (This I can say in first person because I was there: Hamilton, Motherwell, Dundee, Kilmarnock, and even Peterhead, aye, Peterhead exposed the weakness). Conceptually always easy to say, but we need: pressure, recovery and search the undetectable footballer!

It is not a secret that defend is an uncomfortable activity for most. We must end this stupefying passivity, irritating. Celtic attacked and we do not tackle, do not fight for steal the ball, we go back, we were often mere observers as they advanced, we do not pursue, something, at least bother without makings fouls!! The last antecedent, Kris Boyd... had to lock him up, do not let it get the ball or move, or look the goal! In all these years that I say, even at the McCoist time. We need a voracious, coordinated fight for the ball! When we make that cultural shift we will get back to winning important things.

From those days when the player prevailed over the system (among other things because everyone played the same every day), they are designed thousand blackboards, strategies, tactics, drawings, signs, circles, vertices and variable geometries. But nobody, nobody has managed to avoid human error or collateral damage when they occur. I´m talking about Rob Kiernan and his bad decisions, precipitations and egregious errors. Sometimes the sum of wrong decisions produce effects, as our eternal rival find a second goal.

Rossiter out of action. During the first half, Barton seemed to be the player who won the Championship with Burnley, but that lasted a few minutes, errors throught and asphyxiation he received, got caught by not having assists in that troubled waters was the midfield. Warburton wanted to repair it at halftime, leaving Krancjar in the dressing room and including Halliday.

When we signed Rossiter, my first thought was that Warbs wanted to patch up those deficiencies of last season on the defensive zone where we began usually to be attacked, a young expert in the regulation of rhythms, pointing when to leave, when to retreat, and how ordered without the ball. Then came the mediatic bomb signing Barton, experience and some overacting. Particularly, I think have to play one of the two, no both together. Rangers have, in theory, alternatives to accompany that flagship player, standing in front of four defenders. My choice was always Rossiter.

90 minutes of a football game usually a compendium of moods, excluding situation, dog eat dog and a sequence of misfortunes. This was a varied game, impossible to link to one episode but two old defensive errors conditioning the rest. In pure speculation what would have happened if McKay score the 2-2? This season Barrie generate contradictory positions to the writer of these lines, at times thoughts, it seems that he squanders the capital he won last season. His game has become predictable, his favorite play was repeated several times in matches, received lying on the left and from there, exploiting its speed, he sought a driving toward a centered position that would open the horizon of a shot or a combination. In sellick park, his game was captive, would not swap positions, he accelerated and braked, he feinted to go but ended up returning, asked for the ball on the foot, it was not explosive as at other times.

If the game leaves something clear, is the technical staff and the players know what not to do, know how not to play football (honestly, that they already knew a few weeks ago, perhaps a month, the absence of correct markings in the corners, the permissiviness and bad decisions from defenders is not new). And this lessn has an excessive cost. It is not time for revolution, but to evolve.

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