viernes, 8 de agosto de 2014

I'll never forget that day

The wait in the Tunnel, the emotions coming irreversibly, even though I try to contain them. That legendary Tunnel is, for a moment, time tunnel, which contains each of the time I spent with Rangers in more than two decades, the personal and family history, intersects with gusts, all who longed to see me there and are no longer (I tried to hold back tears, I succeed partially deep breathing), impossible goals, the images of heroes, the name list has no end. The hands are wet, a tremor in the feet, goose bumps that moves to the body when Penny Arcade starts to sound at the Stadium, the first whispers, chants accompanying expectation. Friends are close and given away medals, surprised I appreciate almost pleading, I try to keep them where I can.

With the flag in hand, I start walking, my soul is a revolution, the undisguised smile seeks its place in my face, my conscious part says to himself, Does this happening? I am entering proud to the pitch with Red, White and Blue flag, to that place where were each of the idols that I followed from a distance, I saw as impossible, far. For a moment, I will not look to the sides, I feel myself small compared to the huge atmosphere, the imposing temple. I let the ambience take my, that absorbs me, I start jumping for joy when Simply The Best looks out, I encourage Broxi to do the same. I needed to hug someone. Immediately, I think, this time will be saved in me for the rest of the days, I can tell someone, maybe if I have grandchildren and still fell that lives inside me as a souvenir.

The day begins to walk away, I walk over the bridge that crosses the River Clyde, I turn, looked far Ibrox with the feeling of having fulfilled the dream.

Welcome to a new season!

No Surrender. We Are The People

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