lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Andrew not Little, is huge, Big.

Near the end of season. There was really intense, many setbacks, paradoxes, disappointments, thrills…I want to rescue at this time what I think: unity in adversity. A few days ago came to my house, the red and black scarf. For weeks, I looked at the pictures of fans with their scarfs, a symbol of our time. Thanks to Jamie Hare (on Twitter is @jamiehare), I can go through the streets of my city, La Plata, proud, with my scarf. Thus, I feel that I participate at this time, our time. Do not about victories in the field, but what it means to Rangers for us all. After that we will look a little happened at Tynecastle.

Hearts started the match with a number of inaccuracies (still drunk with joy would have eliminated Septic to the Scottish Cup LOL). Initially, our pressure worked well at the start of the Jambos. Mo Edu established unions in the midfield. Although, as I have said on other occasions, he is a prominent player in the fight for control of the ball and does not convince me in moving the ball, is a bit hit and when pressed he often loses the ball. To make matters worse, the absence of Davis and the initial flash Aluko did not help much. But there was lit Rhys McCabe, who has perspectives that boy. For Edu, I can say it has ups and downs, after initial hesitation, he made passes and progress in the field.

On the afternoon of Tynecastle, Hearts was a team without ideas, a few pinches of apathy. They drew up the ball (and responsibilities). We take advantage of these disagreements and had two chances to score goals: first, large projection of Whittaker, transfer to Little, that broke and pulled the center to JIG. And second, after a cross from McCabe, the owner of the ball stops in the absence of skipper, Bartley had the opportunity to open the scoring.

Our games is usually interesting alternatives for the sides, but we do not we entered through the middle. At first, Aluko was off, Whittaker conflicted with Little (for me there´s a probably accidental and momentary overlap, but then I´II talk about that), and Wallace appeared that the face of adversity of the booing by Hearts last, using the pulling speed and the area centers. Apparently, Aluko was in the left position and the possibility of starting the attacks at a time when the game was becoming precipitate.

And so is football. Sone rubbed the lamp and appeared a work of art. Anthology of those goals that break all the schemes, which show the unpredictability, spontaneity in the service of magnificence. Of those goals where you get hurt your hands do not stop clapping. This man is a phenomenon. A bad day to glory in minutes. 1-0.

The midfield had some nuances, some already mentioned, Little played positioned on the right, which is nothing new, its function was overflowing, a fairly covered by Hearts. For this reason, Whittaker sought solutions more to the middle, where the field was actually mined. Unable to make progress there, Whittaker tried to locate Wallace on the left flank. The game moved into its spatial dimension. The left was established as a priority. Although football is not a linear game, whittaker took the catch of a ball and moved to the right, he executed a cross and Hearts goalkeeper prevented the goal of JIG.

Then, I journeyed by a kind of Déjà vu. Andrew Little scored style Super-Ally, as our manager in his moments of glory. With the body bent, harassment of pressure defense and the play speed and subitizing…2-0. Little defined as a veteran center forward. Andrew not Little, is huge, Big.

The second half was a better fir in Edu recovery of the ball. Aluko definitely more active, running down the left as a sprinter. In Hearts, Paulo Sergio established enter Spanish Suso Santana to play on the left because Bartley had some problems in this sector. Something disturbing happened to us when Beattie took the ball outside the area to shoot and no one left to cover, press or to cover the empty space. He was alone, very alone. A mistake that could have cost dearly. The shot went close.

The match became a fight, Hearts wants discount and insists on the left and we put our best bricks to cover everything. The inclusion of Suso was intended to undermine the most sensitive area of our defense. We do not cut the matching circuit for that place, we let them out there to harm us.

Edu was low to high the game. Edu has to receive and give, apologies for being so insistent. Here are entering a nightmare transition. At this point, we need to cut the siege rival. We need to solve our concentration.  It´s the transition that we go out is not always graceful. Attacking us again and again. The way to cut is holding the ball, another option is to attack. As in every match, McGregor took a ball impossible, the kind that usually go inside the net.

And after so insistently. Penalty for Hearts. A while before entered Templeton for Jambos, who will first match of the season had made some interesting moves at Ibrox. His entry to the field followed the logic of attacking the right side our defense, Aluko fouled Templeton. And the nightmare became a reality. Now, before the ball was Beattie, put the body well, but the ball went up, hit the cross barand left never to return!! (Quiet friend penalty last week was great!!)…The 3-0, Little has signed but it is another move by Whittaker, who finds the hole to leave Wallace only against the goalkeeper of your ex team, but he gave the Northern Irishman, who capped a great day.

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