jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Celtic 1-.0 Rangers. It's time to change.

I am extremely disappointed, I was disappointed on Saturday against Saint Mirren and I did not write anything. I actually wrote something and removed it. Apathy may be the word. Nothing had changed and nothing changed against Celtic. The team plays baldy or worse has not set pattern. Worst of all is that this matches to be won only with the shirt. Celtic defenders burned the ball and they rejected it. It was a vulnerable team but we were unable. Do not imagine something different, we are embracing a game bland, predictable and it will not be solved by incorporating new players. I want to be clear, I do not speak only of names or positions on the court. We talked about tactics, talk about strategy to raise the matches.

Why let our rivals are the leaders? This is a question, probably provoking, that I do regularly since the start of this season. I try to find some answers trying to rid myself of prejudice. I understand that the midfield is a transitional space, where you must fight for control of the ball, but it is also necessary to have skilled players, creators, once retrieved the ball, generate blocks to reach the goal rival. And this, you understand, not just about McCulloch or Edu but the way midfielders and defenders use the resources to wait for the error to retrieve the ball rival. Okay, that´s one way. Okay, that´s one way. But this mechanism is exhausted when, as on the eve of Christmas, there is a team like the Saint Mirren, who makes a good moving the ball and come to our area to do harm.

Probably I´m wrong, but why let the Celtic act? We left space, they beat us again the midfield. At no stage of the game cut the circuit rivals. And that Celtic is a mediocre team, ordinary moments, whose exclusive remedy was to give the ball to Bayal for him to pull the area Samaras and Hooper were fixed individually.

It´s time to react, we are The Rangers, we cannot, I repeat, we cannot hope to rival. Be more daring. Press, wear down the opponent, they feel they cannot do anything! And here I agree with a tweet @vanderhogg wrote after the match. “We have zero leadership. We are totally gutless”. Although I would add: we have a huge identity problem of collective game, as evidence when individuals do not shine. An act of helplessness turned to see the output from the bottom, the team is drowning in its own impossibilities, no progress in the field and ends and giving the ball back to McGregor or Broadfoot to throw a pitch that ends in nothing. That´s what I call lack of identity. Inability to create. This is not new, it happened in much of the season.

Not a time to move the waters. Now we have to support the team more than ever. Asking, demanding a change of gravity. It´s time to change. I do not think this is resolved by asking someone´s head. Our opponent has a set petty, dull and still missing much of the season. Adversity, not be an obstacle to our ability. Do not be irritable. Today we opened a new challenge. Winning the title because, WE ARE RANGERS!!!

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