domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Rangers 0-0 St. Johnstone. Frustation.

Frustration and disappointment are the word that flew over my head after the match at Ibrox. The performance was poor. Missed connection, lacking ideas, missed whole game, making two passes in a row, dominating the ball. And that was noted in the performance of Davis, a thermometer to our aspirations. Although these situations, I usually find them as opportunities to see the low spots that can be improved. That does not deny or justify the poor performance.

But for a moment, be compassionate and think about the dynamics of events (including the famous international break). The succession of changes, not only names but also the roles may be hampering performance. To me, in particular, I like to see the duopoly set Sasa Papac and Lee Wallace on the left side, both defensively and offensively are coordinated very well. And now see Broadfoot was a bad movie. He goes into the brush, cutting the game and discussing inconsequential. I estimated Broadfoot´s love for our club, but lately has not had good performance.

There is a variable, which for me is the most worrisome. Beyond that St. Johnstone benefited from the lack of ideas of our team. St. Johnstone came to Ibrox to play a game similar to Saint Mirren, pressure, more pressure, let us not think, fight in the center of the field to retrieve surprised with the ball and isolated actions, often well-coordinated.

Part of the poverty of our game has a symptom that runs the dates, but that is qualified according to the overwhelming victories. This symptom is (and again apologize to my readers for my insistence) both Broadfoot and Whittaker, seeing no unmarked players, gave the ball to McGregor and he ended up pulling the lottery balls in midfield or opposing defenses, who took up the game. As a resource, long balls are not effective. One may think we have Jella or Lafferty, they can stop the ball, but rivals are already familiar with this trend, repetitive, and anticipate. Exit from the bottom of the ball dominated implies greater discipline in the passes. A scheme which are not used.

Sooner or later, we were going to suffer the absence of Naismith. And I do not think his absence is the main cause of the malfunction, there are several factors that might explain the painful day at Ibrox. However, Naisy, besides being one of the scorers in the SPL, had become an emblem, its power was decisive in the rival area, to tease, to assist their partners, to the fight (Naisy is a fierce fighter) to create plays forcing fouls, as did Claudio Caniggia at the time.

And still not find a replacement, which already has become almost an obsession for The World Rangers. Let me say that no replacement, Naisy is unique and professional moment was unique. And the options being considered are not developing similar yields. Ale Bedoya? In this match, has not shown much. I do not want him to drop you responabilities, do not think he deserve it, he arrived recently and has not played many matches to make a whole evolution of its performance. Aluko? It is an unknown, over the days we will see what he is capable of giving the club, if he finally left.

In essence, in the second half, well, much of the gams, lacked ideas to break the siege imposed by St. Johnstone, without the frenzy ineffective. Potential generation had its good time when Super-Ally got John Fleck in field to stop de ball and enable moves, when our team not in possession of the ball and was attacked by the rival. Fleck finally fell into the prevailing anxiety and he could not make a difference. But I feast on the field entering Fleck and Hemmings, two youths from the club, which over time can show many things.
Let for a moment to Kyle Lafferty. In the beginning it looked good, he played as a kinf of link, more committed to the team, was on his back, he distributed the ball, not enamored with the ball. The he began to be absorbed by the mark of St. Johnstone players, was lost in the insignificance and interspersed innocent loss of the ball with protests to the referee. Laff plays better freer, more offensive, accompanying the central forward, near the area of rivals.

I joined Twitter to see the impact and the first thing that popped into my view was a tweet from @JohnstoneDanny: “I've asked this question so many times, where would we be without Allan McGregor?”. And it really saves our goalkeeper is decisive. Today I counted at least two, which could have ended up bitter day. But Danny´s tweet made me think in another way. If we will face more senior rivals is not going to be achieved to have him. If you return to see the plays, in part, the lack of marking or facilitated coordination centers.

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