domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

My pictures with all the shirts

Who have been your favourite players over the years - has it been the likes of Claudio Caniggia and Gabriel Amato or are there others you have preferred?

Mmm... it's hard, I probably would be unfair to some players, because I've seen many, and very good move by Murray Park. Super-Ally is the first of all, no doubt. With it, I tip my hat. Davie Cooper, Mark Hateley, Stuart McCall, Trevor Steven, Richard Gough, Andy Goram, Kenny Miller, Barry Ferguson, whose character, personality, is the captain, I remember I cried a lot of his freekick in 2002 against Celtic at Hampden Park in the Scottish Cup final.

On my list would not be without Paul Gascoigne, to say it was a fantastic player who inevitably had to play at Ibrox. Something like one of fate. Never, but I'll never forget the hat-trick against Aberdeen. Gazza tooks the game by the scruff of the neck, beating two defenders and chipping the goalkeeper for the first, running 50 yards to score the second and converting a penalty for the third.

If we talk about midfielders, Jorg Albertz, “The Hammer” was provided as few of this shirt. Seeing him kick the goal from long distance was a show, what power! Almost always the balls ended up in the goal. And no doubt, uff, Denmark Brian Laudrup when rivals began to leave behind all knew it was going straight to the goal without opposition and were beginning to rise from our chair with his pace. He threw the best centers, came to the end of the area for Ally, Durie or other defined at will.

You told me before it is your dream to come to see Rangers playing a game - have you any plans to do that in the future? How do you think being at an Old Firm game would compare to a match like Boca v River?

Yes, one of the dreams of my life is to witness a match at Ibrox Park, be singing Follow Follow and encouraged the team during the game. Waiting at halftime with “Simply the Best”. Make a tour of Murray Park. Itself, see inside all that longing and distance support.
I'm planning to trave to Glasgow in 2013 and then go to Northern Ireland to visit the Protestant neighborhoods. I'm perfecting my spoken English and saving money to travel with a friend.
An Old Firm is a show that who loves this sport can not fail to witness. The rivalry between Boca and River, but have different origins from the opposition Rangers-Celtic, gives lots of color and excitemente to classic. These matchs also play to the limit. Stadium full of people, games widely spoken, referees in constant questioning. In Argentina breathes football.

Here are a lot of passion for football, looks much the English Premier League, Italian Calcio, Spanish La Liga, it's not hard to see the street people with shirts of Manchester or Arsenal and generally knows the players of those teams. Global brands hold sales of their shirts in theses parts. I think these are important changes proposed by the club's international project the image of Rangers. I do not know Ali Russell personally but I hope the Rangers again have their jerseys hanging in the windows of the houses of sports. People here see me with the shirt of the Gers and ask me “what a nice shirt, where do I can get? I shrug my shoulders.”

What has been your favourite moment as a Rangers fan?

There are many good times for luck. Having been contemporary with that series of events: Nine in a row (from 1988 to 1997). The great victory at Ibrox against Celtic 5-1 in 2000, with De Boer, Mols, Numan, Konterman, call it the Dutch club stage. My recent memory takes me to the final of the CIS CUP, 2-1 versus Celtic and Jelavic goal, the ball movement makes a semicircle and never gets into the goal. And the five goals against Kilmarnock to win the last title of Scottish Premier League (3 in a row).

But probably my favouriye moment was when Nacho Novo was the last penalty in Florence and ran to slide across the floor to the corner so celebrate with the fans and the Rangers reached the UEFA Cup final, what time is condensed in my memory. I keep that white shirt with great affection. Winning the final in Manchester would have been a great corollary to the great career of Walter Smith ahead of the Gers. Still, Walter will remain forever in the hearts of fans. Precisely, it was exciting to see in Ibrox farewelll, the rain, his back around the court, a stage for tears. Walter is a legend. Always evoke to tekk a glorious stage of the club.

Nor could I forget such important moment, the gola by Bougherra to Stuttgart in Germany and Whittaker's goal against Sporting Lisbon in 2008, a monumental move.

How do you think the team will do with Ally McCoist in charge as the new manager?

I think we're undergoing a process of transition for both the team and institutional level. Will not be easy, because not only Walter Smith retired, which means a major loss, changed many things in the club from the takeover and the new President Craig White.

I am confident in the ability of Ally. Has shown much in the club. If anyone should be manager of Rangers always thought Super-Ally was the right person. He knows the club perfectly, was an idol for many years. Although this can sometimes work against.

I understand that fans are eager to get reinforcements, new players to complete the squad and to adress all the championships. But be a little more patient, the team has to train, to begin to assemble the ideas of McCoist. And it is true, the championship will start too early. Ally reasonably complained about that. He did not have much time to prepare for the start.

From the corners of the world, I wish you all the technical staff, players and board a spectacular 2011-12 season.

Do you support any other football teams, either in Argentina or elsewhere around the world?

In Argentina, I support Boca Juniors. Besides being one of the great teams in the country, had in its ranks two former Rangers, Gabriel Amato and Claudio Caniggia. Outside Argentina, thanks to the Rangers I've met the rest of the Blues Brothers: Linfield and Chelsea.

It is likely that when I travel to Northern Ireland see some Linfield game. From here, I take the audacity to say hello to the Linfield fans for their 125 anniversary. Although I support these teams, inevitably my love goes to the Rangers.

Tell me a bit about you as a person - I think you said you are from La Plata? What do you like to do there, are you married, do you have children, what do you work as and how old are you? If you have children, are you teaching them to be Rangers fans too?

34 years ago I was born in La Plata, a city that is located 55 kilometers from south of the Capital Federal Argentina. I live in couples with Carla, who is an economist, but I'm not married. I have a daughter, named Micaela, is 8 years old and signs to perfection Follow Follow, not only because I showed it but because my phone has a ringtone and every time he starts singing it sounds.

I studied journalism at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) and some languages. For many years writing about geopolitics and take care especially in the oil and energy sector. I work in a power generation company and I usually write in energy magazine.

Among my hobbies, I enjoy running marathons and playing football. I'm not Messi, footaballinf I identify more with Barry Ferguson and Rino Gattuso. I have a set of physical display and rustic, haha.

What do your friends in Argentina think about you supporting Rangers? They must think you are a little crazy?! Have any of them become interested in the team because of you?

It is interesting, and at the same time contradictory. My friends in Argentina visit the blog often ask questions in general about the club. And yes, some think I'm a little crazy, but so are the passions, I get along great. I love the philosophy of the Rangers, and defend as a state to find me.
With respect to contradictions, every time I talk to someone in my country on team, inevitably end up talking to the irreconcilable rivalry with Celtic. Unfortunately, some in Argentina are the Scotland classic as merely a rivalry between Protestants and Catholics, that is a religious issue and from there begin to takl of sectarianism, and so on.  Dealing with that is difficult. This often happens due to ignorance, but when they begin to experience other aspects move towards a more comprehensive understanding. One target of the blog is to spread the wonder that is to be a fan of Rangers. I do not let the contradictions aside, only reveals that there is always a cultural universe to know.

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