miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015


Is Warburton ability to have a holistic understanding of the market? Poke around and look for low-cost players, without much name, relatively young people (I hope this is not by the factor of resale) with thirst for glory, precious metals for polishing, that they did not have the appropriate trust in their previous clubs? The capacity of Warbs seems be founded on looking where others do not seek, giving entity and value to young people who are on one side other institutions or making a public relations exercise. Let´s be honest, many of us did not know the curriculums of them, except for Wilson and Halliday, made in Ibrox, and little bit of Holt, that goal at Tyncastle and some filigrees in Sheffield United. Could say that Rangers entered a transition that is not limited to return to top level but aims to consolidate a long-term structure. And a second order of prospects that in the future may join the first team. Jordan Thompson (from Manchester United), Tom Lang (from Birmingham) and Jordan Gibson (from Alverchurch) may be the closest examples. Not hard to get excited, but we must have patience.

Warburton brought a different philosophy and style of play. A nonnegotiable style. He took concepts like clean out the ball from behind, the deployment by the sides and the multiplication of passing options to maintain possession. And in his own evolution (which is still incipient at Ibrox), begins to conclude that the game is the midfielders and the side, they were distributed the ball to give pause or shaking the duel. It is important, touch, go out and then come back to offer himself again. A concept lost in recent season by excessive direct game, precipitation, certain moments of irresolution and the little swallowable long ball. The idea would also be, regardless the color of the rival, creating a conglomerate of traps, movements executed with a certain degree of harmony and suffocate the opponent in every corner to take the ball, all at extreme speed. Many times, the proposition is attractive, but the reality is something else.

Over a lifetime, but more strongly in recent years, in the lower divisions, we had to carry a backpack full of stones on our backs. We will never give up responsibility, because that would not know our tradition. But when facing a team that has the ball and wants to play against other that does not play anything, the "experts", many armchair charlatans, which even construct narratives, fictions and the public tend to analyze only that seeks to take the initiative. As if only one had full responsibility. As if only one were to prove productivity and efficiency. He who renounces to the ball is no longer in the observation.

In this sunrise of the season, Rangers is shown as a very tidy team, with glue on the lines, much applied with armor, but also flexible, ready to surprise. Not coincidentally, the first signatures sought tensioning and strengthen the defensive sector: two defenders standard bearer (Wilson and Kiernan), which until now did forget the great contribution of McGregor and a safely goalkeeper as Foderingham.

In each of the games, Rangers propose the rhythm and is the owner of the ball. Rangers applied well with permanent position exchanges between their attacking midfielder, Barrie McKay started on the right but went to the center and then could appear by surprise on the left to complement Temps. Barrie is not the kind of the rigid, likes to move in micro-spaces, but sometimes bogged down with the ball under pressure from rivals. Acquitted of guilt and by purging the bench, Templeton always have that attitude as distracted to suddenly start dazzling interned, feinting and dribbling culminating in cross shots. In the last game, Barrie went to play left and Tom Walsh entered from the right. Although they give depth on the wing (one of the busiest areas these days), Walsh has these outburst that seem to be carrying all before him, but it lacks definition. He defends the ball well and develops interesting work in midfield.

Without the role of other times (where the full weight of the game fell on him) and always hyper-eyed (and criticized) by the crowd, Nicky Law is something like "fracking boy", open spaces forward and drilled in search of some shale! In a clever center from Tavernier, Law headed near to the post.

The news about Reece Wabara doing a trial was the first symptom of the decision to seek a side attack-minded defender as he had done at Doncaster Rovers in recent seasons. Pushed the English from the center of the scene for reasons I do not know, appeared a certain James Tavernier. Without the flashes of cameras, the former Wigan player, 23 years old, can spare several excitation points. It has a great spirit, plenty heart. Can play many roles, even prodigal winger, can make frontal attacks, with successive passes. His runs over the side and rhythm changes all the time broke the resistance of Peterhead. In his repertoire, must add this recurring optimism to shoot from outside the area, regardless the position or location. The generosity on his defensive game is also when the pair of central defenders failed to control a difficult ball, Tavernier came from the side to close the play and dominate the ball.

He waited for the opponent´s error and enjoys a stroll with that leg speed that makes him planted in the area with the knife between his teeth. Goofed clearance of Dzierzawski put the ball in the gate are, Tavernier with whole thrust, crossed a shot that was grazed the bar. The only blemish so far in their curriculum was the fouled in the area that the referee sanctioned by penalty. Other giving fluidity to the game from the left is the new skipper; Wallace remains a martyrdom of disequilibrium for any defense that has to suffer. Against Peterhead, he was encouraged to progress and a combination play with Waghorn and McKay, was found with a goal choice caught by the keeper Smith.

Wallace received the ball in midfield and once gave it, chose to go ahead in the field (other feature is the players are going to empty place, is seeking to play without the ball at his feet, moving to distract and surprise) seeking unmarked. In the race, headstrong and tireless, already with the ball controlled, surprised and scored the second against the Saints. Earlier, a corner kick to the heart of the visitor area, counted with the opportunism and readiness of the skipper to open the scoring.
In the last games we have seen in the medullary, the use of Shiels (except the first half against St. Mirren he saw it from the bench) and Halliday, thinking of other, monitoring the zone, warning by where place ha unbalanced the team and where could get problems. In the Peterhead game, the two midfielder mixed wonderfully, Shiels tried to create spaces though sometimes he lost the ball and Halliday came without fear to the rival field, gave meaning to the passes. By personality, technique and aggressiveness, Halliday is taking over the midfield. At the same time, we get another option to shoot from outside the area. I applaud that both Halliday as Tavernier fight to decide who shoots the free-kick, that means there are alternatives, not like last season.

In the opening game of the league season, Rangers showed some lack of coordination between the midfield and defense, which even resulted in the goal of Howieson. Nobody followed midfielder who slipped and came to our area easily.

Just had the opportunity, Rangers implemented the one against one or to accelerate in the last few meters, because when McKay and Walsh were not enough, Holt, Law, Tavernier or Wallace imposed by anticipation. Holt is the eye-catcher for the future. Against Peterhead, Holt showed he can be not only a replacement but a very helpful tool in managing those games where Rangers is the need to handle that ball against teams that waits crouching in his area. Instead, against St. Mirren, the former Hearts was the new axis of gravitation for which it circulated the attacking play, a trapeze artist against the robotic football. The Saints suffered his talent, back to goal, offered on every play.

Waghorn also arrived to Auchenhowie far from any pomposity and grandeur. It is becoming an infallible striker used to prevail in the most demanding situations. The class of attacker who creates scoring chances from almost anywhere (hibs suffered his power), regardless of position or location, always tests the opponents. It´s like a sneeze in the area, something insolent and unexpected, unpredictable to break waists. At all times, it exposed to defenders and systems that do not seem ready to stop him. With two Peterhead defenders whistling the crown, he stepped on the ball with both feet as he turned the entire trunk to snub the rivals, outstanding.  With the addition of Kenny Miller, Waghorn is ran to the side and was just effective, even when his prominent body is often disorienting. Hard to guess, run and fight, mixing a remarkable ability to protect the ball with a sovereign intelligence to discover spaces.

In the following link, you can enjoy pictures in the magnificent gallery:
Thank you very much my friend Neil Buchanan!!!