lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Rangers 6-1 Raith Rovers. Gave a hunky-dory bellyful of goals

Rangers gave a hunky-dory bellyful of goals

Rangers will always be a unique, incomporable institution, because it is not only a football club, it is an institution of values, with idiosyncrasy, show every weekend a purpose, an identity, a historical position in the world, even in times of transition. The atmosphere at Ibrox with The Armed Forces show that the words proud and pride always make sense. The flag went up soldiers at Sandy Jardine stand, the soft voice of Megan Adams, the looks of veterans, the bands at halftime and that banner with the support of Rangers, are the symbols that summarize the whole idea.

Th Bluenoses reached without blinking a big win. Facing a rival with mood and nothing else, Rangers managed well the registers, did not averse to the ball, sweet and nothing cloying, both the central corridor until reach the gate area,  as for the edges, where Fraser Aird, sharp and incisive, well-aired to the team and tried to shake the tree. Fraser knows stretch better the team by the sides and when use force or even the technique. Do not falter the legs when have to touch, does not avoid the collision and is presented in the area always with the intention of making a shot. Intensity seems to be the buzzword, the summary of some diagnoses. Although, with Raith refugee, Rangers were forced to play short, fast attack. But in the collective game, however, we still discontinuous, sometimes vigorous and effective and sometimes flat and short-sighted

McCoist reinserted some trading cards. But has not varied in the composition of the deck. The inclusion of McGregor, ace in the center of defense, moving Jig leftmost. The return of Kenny Miller, even playing with his back to goal, being more annoying than a mosquito. From the top as in the second half, or slightly lying on the left side frequently, he delayed his position to participate in the development of the game. Even retreating the position of the rival marking, send an assist for Law scored the second goal.

The team produces more and tried to defend himself in the opposite field, but bad decisions and the rush in transitions do we continue to suffer defensively. When Rangers do not have the ball, the sense of vulnerability offered is evident, were Raith Rovers or Dumbarton. There are vices that are not corrected in time, especially the fragility of that erratic defensive system and it is also known that players go through various stages of form and now there, insubstantial or irregular. In recent matches, we did not play the anxious, harpic and hyperkinetic rhythm of Mohsni, try to respect an order. We are not so excited when we had the ball at his feet. I understand that are keepers who do not have the knowledge or the practice of playing with their feet. Simonsen continues giving away the balls. I will not go to the example of Neuer. Even Romero, goalkeeper of Argie national team is terrible with feet. Louis Van Gaal says that signed for the AZ Alkmaar, made Romero stay after training to practice with the feet. Although Romero never improved lolz....I think it is good base to start.

Rangers unlocked the game with a goal to stop ball. We have taken the corners as a sense of continuity in the game not inconsiderable. For the many teams can be an interrupted play or well defended by the rival, for Rangers is the condition of possibility of a difference on the scoreboard. McLeod smack your lips every time goes way to the flag. After all, was a convenient center that it is converted an ordeal for any defender. That the goal came, the skipper jumped, again, higher than the rest. (1-0).

Lewis, modest and earthly, not glitzy, is not seen suffering today, enjoys his positional play, moving in search of spaces, even returns faster to cover his marking. The midfielder has the great virtue of lacking of that hedonistic individualism so popular. The young is a conqueror of the micro spaces, with a swing o passes well plaited, those that seem bland but have a placebo effect on the opponent. It happens that no one filter passes like him, and slowly, moves the team with his compass.

Law enjoys the freedom of action, even in the border area. The English moved easily, both in their societies with McLeod as the two attackers. Ungovernable for the archaic radar of rovers. Law was accurate when breaking from behind. As much as try to modulate its football for dominate other fates, has the fondness wait, create the space and exploit it. There it is unstoppable. The play´s second goal required the intelligence of Law to cross in between from the unsuspecting central defenders and receive a pass from Miller, to come up alone against the keeper. Get in! (2-0). He is now a player less fussy in volume but more select in the participations.

In football, when you attack, it is about creating spaces, knowing occupy and use them effectively. With this variant, the sides are free because opposites sides (in a regular back four) are going to be forced to close to help their central defenders in the marking on the forwards (and additional midfielders). Those spaces that are generated outside can be occupied by the sides (something common) or interior midfielders. The focal point of Rangers since the arrival of McCoist is its sides: always willing to unbalance the contrary, they are snakes along the sides, almost always, but sometimes leaving gaps for opponents. The protagonist granted to Wallace or Foster caused imbalance by the long field and they have to travel and because they force inordinate sacrifice to the interior and central midfielder and also the defenders, very required in cover and corrections, very vulnerable to open field, especially against more compact teams, which was not the case of Raith. Laced up, Black, beyond their specific failed passes and some deliveries of balls to rival in hot zones, was again at the mercy of the opponent counterattacks.

Raith remained orderly combined, a certain speed but not of sufficient quality or passing line, too chained to the puerility of mincey heid Scott. The rovers’ striker scored the discount within inches of the line, after a succession of our advantages. A goal that gave away the innocence of our defense. I repeat, we must improve our defensive block. The adversaries reach too easily to our goal.
But the visitor´s goal was piss in the wind. Rangers pushed Raith against your area, pause and diligence to find the end gap. The visitor’s lines were broken when the ball circulating with geometry, single storey and when exceeded the barriers.

Despite previous comments on social network, Miller was physically fine. It has power and technical qualities intact, cover almost the entire attacker´s manual. Hence, there is a genetic issue, that has or do not have. In the former Vancouver striker, the genetic goalscoring rules. In the second half, Kenny stepped over on the ground, actually alternated with Boyd, this was the ideal space for their verticality, always confronted with advantage the keeper, had several chances to score. And materialized one after receiving in the ideal position to hold the ball on the side of the post (3-1). The goal stunned to Raith and provided serenity to Rangers.

No one can deny, Boyd fight; improve his game, individually and collectively. But nothing worse than a scorer obsessed with the goal. His shot was from outside the area. The keeper found that the ball was slipping gently of the hands, cursing himself; the ball went into the oven. Range, many range after an odyssey typical of those mysteries of football. Problem partially solved the metaphysical loneliness of Boyd, in the black hole between his classic position "9" and the area where the rest of the team is dedicated to bringing the ball (4-1).

Although Fraser keeps alive the right side, Foster, when he does not precipitate, maintains possession in the opposite field. Supports the midfield, but does not defend with the ball and fails. With Raith unstructured and disseminated, with heebie-jeebies, Daly finished knocking twice to decorate the win, after two accurate center of Foster (6-1).

Scottish, Slang or words not too known-.

Hunky-dory: fine, in good order, perfect. A well-established colloquialism, adopted in Britain sometime after the World War I.

Harpic: Crazy, deranged. A pun which was popular for instance among schoolchildren in the 1960s.

Glitzy: Glamorous, showy. A vogue word from 1985 to 1987, used particularly by journalists, evoking materialistic but superficial glamour.

Get in: Exclamation, the phrase was defined by a user in 2001 as: fantastic!, result!, that was tremendous!

Heebie-Jebbies: If you are the Heebie-Jebbies it would that you were suffering from paranoia or fear.

Laced up: (of a person) fully occupied, obligated, embroiled.

Mincey heid: A disparaging term for someone considered not to have a fully-functioning brain, often through self-inflicted damage, consequently talking nonsense.

Piss in the wind: Doing something that is a complete waste of effort and time for which you can expect no result and may even backfire on you.