lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Rangers 4-1 Dumbarton. Teaching to fly Dumbo(rton)

As opposed of fictional literature, for example, in football is almost ridiculous try a singular interpretation of what happened from an angle says unpublished. Because, in general, this angles has already been captured by a crows of strangers, with different vocation. So there is nothing to do. There is talk today about Rangers from many viewpoints that the subject is exhausted, and if you want to write about Rangers, the most recommended is embrace the more negative operation that can be recommended to a fiction writer: putting the protection of common sense. Nothing is out of views of the fans, which leaves wee space to invent. Leaving the active practice of common sense, I will try to write about the reason for our improvement and/or weakness of Dumbarton to get the three points.

Rangers took a while to find a point of sanity. It looked like we were watching the same movie over and over again. Without ideas, trapped in a constant horizontal long ball. A limited bunch of arguments that Mohsni rounded, slightly hingy sometimes. Not bad, the concept to start playing from behind. Some years ago, I listened to a coach, who was obsessed with chalkboard and videos. Showed again and again the same play. He considered that the defense should be a person with the features and skills to progress in the field. He pointed out that in normal tactical picture, each had their mark (obviously without being over the rival) and there the defender had a leading role in moving the ball between the lines, to break the tactical common sense. Mohsni is not the kind of player prepared for that.

But fitbaw, like restaurant menus, has second dishes. The option was to be patient, keep the heid and move, without fanfare the spherical until find the fissure. That has all been about the endless search for that loophole to establish differences. After all, the rivals were not players sculpted in marble but rather a team without too many lights scampering spirited down the field with no other destiny than suffering. 

The "sons" defended as bats near their crossbar, as bauchle, with fears and complexes like other remaining byproducts in the recent past in the lowers divisions. This kind of oppositions was a thorny path for us. The defender seeking the ball does not come to Boyd and tried to tie him like an anaconda; nobody goes unnoticed the hat-trick last Monday. (Boyd is insensitive to error, always aware of the wise decision, scorer by definition.) Therefore it was advisable to put a clamp. They were dedicate to the attempt to conserve the ball in back positions before releasing a shoe at least something witty to save them from the tedium. With our Skipper plugging the output of the visitors ball.

Although it is not the best in the catalog, our attack could be isolated, but the team is not blinded and paddled for outskirts. Thankfully, Wallace returns to be insistent in their incursions along the side, making the fluid connections. While Nicky Law, perkier, was commissioned to ensure good circulation of the ball from the first line to pass.

When Rangers tried to play in a short was presented a problem of manual. If you advance preparing, you go collectively. If you add people of your team, your subtract spaces to yourself, the difficulties are multiplied (in the first 15 minutes of the game, the space between defense and midfield was wide), That´s always the case. One of the secrets of the organization of the game with the ball is to identify the right time to deepen with a vertical pass. If you do not get both Boyd and Clark were consumed in a tight space, even surrounded by defenders who had no other purpose than to continue where they were.

Returning to the previous point, the team tends to unstitched in midfield, leaving space for rivals inroad for our lands. It is probably by little attachment to cover their backs. In matches more difficult, with another class of rival, will be required great commitment to form a wall on the instances of the fateful return.

There are situations that demand immediate and unequivocal answers. After an exquisite corner of Lewis McLeod, collapsed the scaffold of Dumbarton. Lee McCulloch is skilfully anticipated the defenders and scored (1-0)

Hell-bent, Lewis encourages the audacity to close rivals. He gains experience when it comes to process the game and put together the final pass, he even tried a powerful shot from outside the box that hit the post. It is as selective as dominating with their starter motor, sufficient to generate the feeling of danger, although this does not end up happening. In association with Law, Wallace and Jig sought panting the radar at the periphery of goal. Luckily the need to draw plays with more than three passes was not a problem in the afternoon of Ibrox.

Lee McCulloch is in the eye of the storm, with ups and downs, what is beyond doubt are that does it for this top. On Saturday, the Skipper was like Sylvester Stallone in The Expendables, when taken for dead, reinvents itself and returns to the tickets office, is in the audience remains judging acting characterizations, sorry, his performance on the pitch. His teammates profess him a reverential respect. Jig deciphered how the game is presented and played more in advance than usual, consequence of the positioning of opponent. He always sought choking, helping on defense, doing covers and clean assignments.

At times, we were buccaneers that used the lock gregariously in all areas of the field. We defended above, stepwise, to retrieve the ball. This allowed taking the reins of the meeting. Some control over the development of the game, but not always on the genius. Rangers should improve the accuracy of the passes. The second goal is the success of being attentive, contracted when the other presents certain naiveté. Everything starts with a defensive side of Dumbarton, losing the ball, Law taking it, rapid combined with Temps, which automatically assigns to Jig. On the right, McGregor, zingin, like a train going at full speed running. The captain caresses the ball and the lateral slows the motion to accommodate the body and through on goal (2-0).

Could be seeing a peculiar synchronicity of movements, supports and cadence in the trot and shifted. A beautiful species which exude elegance in its vigorous staging. Throughout the game, Dumbarton seemed just part of the decoration, moved timid on the grass, with a ghostly aura. Clark had been suspended in the atmosphere, waiting his time, seeping through every crack he could find.

The best version of Mohsni was present at the place known, cut pertinacious an offensive advance, and intuit previously, exposing, playing to the limit, often out unscathed. He crossed the field stealthy. Immediately sough Lewis, anticipating to the rest, drop a pass to enable Boyd. The attacker took a walk to the defenders to one side, leaving space for Clark, of intrepid spirit, which cracked open the door and scored (3-0).

After a corner kick, Turner, petrified, topsy-turvy did own goal to the astonishment of his keeper. The visitor had his infamy minute of consolation, not by their own merit. Mohsni left seated in the statistics, the final result with an own goal, incomprehensibly without any rival that bother him. (4-1).

Scottish, Slang or words not too known

Hingy:  If someone, particularly a child is slightly unwell and looking for sympathy or attention.

Hoachin: great abundance. 

Bauchle: something useless, worn out, or worthless <a of a creature>.

Keep the heid: Act calmy.

Zingin: Full of Energy. Firing on all cylinders or under influence of drugs.

Hell-bent: Impetuously or recklessly determined to do or achieve something

Topsy-turvy: In a state of confusion. Upside down.