domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Meeting in the office of the Manager...Super-Ally!!!!

After the game with Clyde, we were invited by Super-Ally to the manager's office. The office of the Manager was not very big, but that day seemed like a concert of AC/DC in my daughter's room. Full of people, we walked. It was a big surprise, upon arrival, the first person I greet is Craig Mather (paradoxically, the next day I opened the newspaper The Herald and Mather's face appeared and everything that we already know lol), at that time it was not clear who was also his wife Beth, a very intelligent and interesting woman, with whom we speak then. 

The third that appears on the scene, the idol Super-Ally. He immediately offered me a beer that Kenny McDowall reaches him, I grabbed the beer bottle was empty and they both begin to laugh .... I ask, have so this was Scottish hospitality ..."

Go rollover events taking, Malcolm Murray approached and extended his hand to greet me, though he was not sure who I was. If you look closely, at first about someone back and saying, "What's going on?". Ohhh ... The chairman lol

Check out the video